Is RAPE sexual assult?
A clear definition of assault is an unlawful physical attack upon another individual or individuals.
Sexual assault is ANY SEXUAL ACTIVITY that you DO NOT or CAN NOT give consent. It is RAPE!
If you were involved in sexual activity you did not want whether through force or manipulation or because you were asleep or using drugs or alcohol, you experienced sexual assault. You were RAPED!
If you experienced sexual activity you did not want as a child or sexual activity you did not want at any age, it is sexual assault. You were RAPED!
If you did not fight back when manipulated into sexual activity, it is still sexual assault. You were RAPED!
If the person was a friend or a sexual partner and you did not give consent, it is sexual assault. You were RAPED!
No one asks to be sexually assaulted. What you wear, where you go, who you know DOES NOT MATTER. Your relationship with the person, whether spouse or stranger, DOES NOT MATTER. Whether you gave consent for sexual activity at an earlier time DOES NOT MATTER. It is sexual assault. You were RAPED!
Sexual assault is NEVER YOUR FAULT. You did not do anything wrong.
You may identify with any one of these situations that may help you to figure out if you were sexually assaulted/raped. This list does not cover everything but provides some common scenarios
If you were involved in sexual activity you did not want whether through force or manipulation or because you were asleep or using drugs or alcohol, you experienced sexual assault. You were RAPED!
If you experienced sexual activity you did not want as a child or sexual activity you did not want at any age, it is sexual assault. You were RAPED!
If you did not fight back when manipulated into sexual activity, it is still sexual assault. You were RAPED!
If the person was a friend or a sexual partner and you did not give consent, it is sexual assault. You were RAPED!
No one asks to be sexually assaulted. What you wear, where you go, who you know DOES NOT MATTER. Your relationship with the person, whether spouse or stranger, DOES NOT MATTER. Whether you gave consent for sexual activity at an earlier time DOES NOT MATTER. It is sexual assault. You were RAPED!
Sexual assault is NEVER YOUR FAULT. You did not do anything wrong.
You may identify with any one of these situations that may help you to figure out if you were sexually assaulted/raped. This list does not cover everything but provides some common scenarios
My consent is not freely given when …I said yes at first and then I said no.I said yes to one thing and they did other things.I said no until I was exhausted, and then I said yes.I did not dare to say no but it didn’t mean yes.I did not fight back.I was drunk.I was high.We’d been dating for almost a year and I didn’t think I could say no.We were friends.We were married.
It was my parent.
What is the difference between sexual abuse and sexual assault?
The primary legal distinction between sexual assault and sexual abuse is the age and capacity of the victim. Sexual assault involves non-consensual acts with an adult, while sexual abuse involves acts with a minor or someone who cannot legally consent.
Sexual assault is most often used in reference to a single experience, while sexual abuse is offten used in reference to a sexual act, committed against a child or adolescent or a vulnerable adult by someone in a position of power or authority or perceived authority often more than once.
Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual act or behaviour forced on a person without their consent (permission). This means you did not give consent, or you weren’t able to give consent.
The assailant or perpetrator may use threats, violence, force, drugs or alcohol to prevent a person from being able to react to, resist, or remember the assault. Sexual assault includes:
- forced sexual intercourse
- forced oral sex on the victim
- forced oral sex on the perpetrator
- placing an object into the vagina or anus without consent
- unwanted sexual touching or fondling